Thursday, November 11, 2010

Paper #2: The Rubric (i.e., how the grading is gonna work)

Looking back at the first paper and the exam, two things are clear:

1.  When I graded them, it was really helpful for me to use a rubric-- a system for allotting a specific number of points for each task I was asking you to perform in the paper/essay.  That made it possible for me to be sure that I was evaluating papers fairly, comparing apples to apples.

2.  It would probably have been helpful for you to have had that rubric before you turned in your work, so that you could evaluate it yourself, and see whether you were addressing everything being asked of you; it would also have given you greater clarity about what I thought was most (and least) important.

Um, OK.  Lesson learned.  Here is the rubric I'll be using to evaluate the papers you'll be turning in next week.  We'll look at it in class to make sure it's clear-- and fair.

Section Tasks Points
Intro (15%) Identify two arguments to analyze 3
Make a claim for their significance (Why these arguments?) 3
Present evidence for your claim 4
Provide a warrant that effectively shows how your evidence
supports your claim.
Analysis of Argument #1  (30%
-- plus possible bonus)
Identify the claim 5
Identify the evidence presented in the text 5
Identify the warrant 5
Evaluate the warrant, testing counter-warrants
that would interpret the evidence differently
Bonus:  Identify evidence NOT
presented in the text that would weaken (or strengthen) the argument;
provide an effective warrant-- i.e. be explicit about WHY this evidence
weakens (or strengthens) the argument made in the text.
Analysis of Argument #2 (30%-- plus possible
Identify the claim 5
Identify the evidence presented in the text 5
Identify the warrant 5
Evaluate the warrant (as above) 15
Bonus:  Identify relevant
evidence NOT presented in the text (as above)
Conclusion (15%) Present a claim 3
Present evidence for your claim 5
Provide an effective warrant that shows how your evidence
supports your claim.
Mechanics/style Grammar, punctuation, spelling 5
Style:  Graceful or awkward
phrasing, sentences, pacing, etc.

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