Then read 'em this week, and we'll talk about 'em October 1:
New York Times interview with sex columnist Dan Savage about his new YouTube channel, called the "It Gets Better Project."
#2: Forbes reports this week that Facebook founder Steven Zuckerberg has rocketed past Steve Jobs and Rupert Murdoch on the magazine's annual list of the 400 richest Americans. The magazine also has a look at the continuing controversy over Facebook's use of personal data. Both underscore a point we talked about last week: Our textbook's list of the "Big 5" media companies seems seriously out of date. Rupert Murdoch owns one of those "big 5" companies-- News Corp (Fox News, Fox TV, Wall Street Journal, etc.).
I liked this video. I feel that it had a positive message, a target crowd (gay people), interesting content (stories of bullying, a happy ending, an adopted kid...) and it was in the format of video versus text, which is nice for a change. I feel that because of the fact that it is in video, more people will pay attention to it.