Friday, December 10, 2010

Wikileaks Links of Interest

List of available mirror sites:

Link to story on Afgahn Pimping PMC Ring:

Link to download torrent of leaked cables:

Note: Will require a torrent download program such as Azerus or Bit-Torrent.


I meant to also add this earlier, but here are also links regarding "Operation: Payback" and their various activities. They are also active on Twitter.

Twitter Feed:

A press released created by Anonymous, the identity used by an undetermined amount of Op:Payback users:

A general article covering their identity and how they've been selecting targets by Wired:

1 comment:

  1. Here is the link to that TED interview with Julian Assange that we talked about in class, as well.
    It covers how Julian gets his information, some examples and the impacts of their release, and his personal morals.

    The strongest message I get from this, is that his values dictate his actions regardless of consequence. Near the end, he says:
    "Capable, generous men do not create victims, they nurture them."
    It has become clear to me that this was the base reason for Assange's decision to create WL — to show the world the victims those in power have created.
