Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Did Somebody Say Midterm?

Why, yes!  And the Journalism Department has something to say about it.  

There are 8 sections of this class, and while each instructor writes an exam tailored to their section, the Department issues guidelines to make sure there's some consistency across the board.  I got those guidelines today, and now I share them with you!

We'll talk more about this on Friday.  For now, enjoy!

Section 1: (20 points) 
Current Events: 10 questions, open-ended, not matching or multiple choice. 
Two points each, one for correct identification, the other for identifying why the person/place/thing has been in the news.

Section 2: (20 points)
Terminology: 10 questions, open-ended not matching or multiple choice.
2 points each, one for correct definition of term, the other for identifying how it fits into journalism or a relevant example.

Section 3: (20 points)
Short answer: Journalism History
Explain terms/dates/etc succinctly, relating answers to journalism history.

Section 4: (40 points total)
Short Essays (2 x 20 pts)
Give four essay questions, allow students to choose two. Relate the questions to discussions, guest speakers, readings, and assignments from your section.


  1. Current events:

    National Organization of Women called California gubernatorial candidate, Meg Whitman a _____

    Two members of The View left the stage during an interview with whom?

    Ben Roethlisberger will return as quarterback for what football team?

  2. Journalism History Midterm Questions

    1.What significant invention was invented in Germany in 1456?
    2.What was the first newspaper published in America and how long did it last?
    3.What significant court case in 1735 involved seditious libel?
    4.How did the stamp act affect newspapers?
    5.What newspaper element came about as a result of the Union Army in the Civil War and why?
    6.How did the inverted pyramid come about?
    7.What was the effect of the creation of the Associated Press?
    8.What was the Biltmore Agreement?

  3. Media ownership
    selective exposer/retention/perception
    inverted pyramids
    elite stage/popular/specialized
    editorial and integrity
    shock radio
    special intrest magazines
    postage act of 1879
    brand insanity
    steve rhodes- beachwood
    penny press
    yellow journalism
    visual journalism
    facebook owner- mark zuflsdkjgod
    news hole
    ethic press
    editorial interdependence
    public education
    rural free delivery

  4. Obama had a book thrown at him

    Lawsuit against healthcare plan

    Hilary Swank will star in movie called Conviction

    Prince in going to tour

    Zhala is still missing

    NY trying to pass legislation requiring animal abusers to register
